NEPA Program Manager Terracon San Antonio, Texas, United States
Background, Description, Delivery and Learning Objective Over the past years, especially since 2021, the federal government has provided funding opportunities, whether it be through grants or loans, to medium (5 MW) to large scale renewable providers (100 MW and greater); with these funds come additional federal requirements that are associated with a federal regulation was enacted in 1969, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Tying into existing electrical infrastructure has required compliance with the act since a vast majority of the states are interconnected and power generated crossed state lines, but the environmental documents were reviewed by individual power entities with their own guidance documents and templates, not the federal government. Now with the federal government providing funds, the game has changed – documents to show compliance with NEPA are now reviewed and must meet the guidance provided by the agencies who are providing the funds, the lead agency. What does that all mean? What level of NEPA documentation do I need? Will I need additional surveys? What does documentation requirement to my timeline?
The intended audience are those who are applying for federal funding including utility providers (municipal, co-operatives, and retail), loan officers, large and small scale renewable developers, and financial institutions.