NEPA Program Manager
Ms. Peters has over twenty years within the environmental consulting industry, of those fifteen have included preparing and managing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. At the begining of her career she conducted regulatory compliance reviews, site investigation, site remediation, emergency responses, and wetland delineations. After working within these service lines, she found her way to NEPA.
Her NEPA experience includes serving as a project manager, coordinator, and resource specialist specializing in water and hazardous material resources, and document author for Environmental Assessments and Categorical Exclusion documents for proposed actions including: programs, utility (water/wastewater, roadways), and facilities. Clients include municipal/local government agencies (cities and counties), U.S. Air Force (USAF), U.S. Postal Service (USPS), Veterans Affairs (VA) , and utilities utilizing guidance and regulatory framework provided required by 40 CFR 1500, 32 CFR 989, and 24 CFR 58. Ms. Peters has worked for and with the USAF, USPS, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Navy, Bexar County, San Antonio Housing Authority, and various municipal (including city, state, and county) agencies. She is currently the Program Manager for the NEPA practice group for the Central Operating Group within Terracon, providing internal and external training concerning new NEPA requirements (including executive orders), mentoring staff, and creating consistancy within the company.