Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
NTGY Renewables USA Corp
San Francisco, California, United States
Gema del Hoyo is the CFO at Naturgy Renewables USA Corp. where she has overall responsibility of the financial, accounting, tax, and administration affairs. With over 16 years of experience in the energy sector, she taken on numerous roles; spanning from Administration Deputy Manager for NRUSA’s upstream affiliate: Natury Renovables, to Deputy CFO at Unión Fenosa Distribución and Funding & Capital Markets Deputy Manager for Naturgy Energy Group. She has made significant contributions to financial strategy and the company’s expansion, producing key milestones. These include launching Naturgy’s first green bond, signing the company’s first green credit line and first EIB Energy Efficiency Loan.
With extensive expertise in debt capital markets, financial strategy, and project finance, Ms. Del Hoyo has a passion for applying her skills to advance ESG investing and grow renewable energy projects. Currently in the US, she oversees the integration and optimization of Naturgy’s acquisition of Hamel Renewables, an endeavor with 31 projects in the US spanning solar photovoltaic projection and hybrid storage.
Prior to joining Naturgy, she worked in the financial sector at Deutsche bank and UBS, in Spain, Germany and Singapore. She has substantial experience in finance and debt capital markets transactions, having coordinated the issuance of 31 senior bonds, liability management transactions, private placements in multiple foreign currencies, and funding agreements with multinational financial institutions, including the European Investment Bank and Spain’s Instituto Crédito Oficial.
Gema is a CFA (ESG), holds an MBA from ESADE Business School, a Law degree and a Business degree from the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.
Spanish Power Market: Its Renewable Potential
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
3:10 PM – 3:30 PM PDT