Our Shifting Supply Chain: Raw Materials Sourcing for Energy Storage in the IRA Age
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
12:00 PM – 12:30 PM PDT
Location: Storage Central, Booth #5958, Level 2, Venetian Expo Hall
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Learning Level: 201: Applies to those with some experience who are looking to build on or enhance existing knowledge.
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has driven many conversations in the energy storage industry, particularly when it comes to the “made in America” bonus credit. Energy storage market players are assessing the potential to expand manufacturing in the US. However, while localizing manufacturing will shift much of the supply chain to the US, supply chains start far earlier. The energy storage industry currently relies heavily on China for sourcing integral raw materials. As the cost of these raw materials rise and geopolitical tensions continue, localizing the raw materials supply chain as well as manufacturing may become a significant trend.
This presentation will explore current trends in raw materials sourcing, challenges to the supply chain, and possible impacts the IRA and other geopolitical issues will have on resources in the energy storage industry.