QuickTalk: Partnering to Advance Energy Resilience
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM PDT
Location: Veronese, 2503, Level 2, The Venetian
The Department of Air Force (DAF) needs power and water to assure resilience for mission assurance at its installations. The AF Office of Energy Assurance (OEA) assesses energy resilience needs and develops those solutions. OEA recognizes the technical, business, and regulatory complexities of energy solutions and work hard to identify and work closely with stakeholder coalitions in innovative ways. OEA is currently exploring projects that would produce on-site generation with renewables, microgrids, energy conservation, grid-integrated energy storage, and more.
Moving at the speed of industry—the DAF desires resilience solutions at all its installations and works diligently with partners every day. As a government organization, we know and understand that business needs to move at-pace, which is why we are focused on streamlining processes with substantial recent successes (e.g., awarding contracts within 2 months)
All project stakeholders bring important and differentiated value. Our strengths center around our ability to offer highly secure and abundant land assets, long term and dependable offtake, allocation of tax and grant benefits with our partners, and we are innovative thinkers. With these value propositions, creative financing solutions are possible, which provide profitable returns without increasing energy accounting costs, delivering our resilience and community goals.
Our solutions are always climate-informed, providing some of the most resilient opportunities. These solutions allow us to have open and free discussions with stakeholders to achieve a win-win for all parties involved.
Learning Objectives:
Understand opportunities and pathways work with one of the nation's largest users of energy.
Have an awareness of the myriad of energy resilience solutions the DAF seeks to solve its energy needs.
Understand the DAF value propositions, which provide profitable returns without increasing energy accounting costs, delivering resilience and community goals.