Learning Level: 101: Applies to those with limited experience of the topic and seeking foundational understanding of the content.
The Auxin Solar Anti-circumvention Petition and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) have dominated trade conversations for the last few years, alongside a variety of other supply chain challenges. Join SEIA trade experts as they discuss how the clean energy industry will navigate the latest developments in US trade policy, what is on the horizon, and how import tariffs and other trade actions are impacting clean energy.
Learning Objectives:
Gain an understanding of the implications of the Auxin Solar Anti-circumvention Petition and the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) on the clean energy industry and its trade dynamics
Explore the latest developments in US trade policy and their potential impact on the clean energy
industry, including import tariffs and other trade actions.
Understand how the clean energy industry is adapting and navigating through the current supply
chain challenges and trade conversations, and identify potential strategies for mitigating the impacts of trade policies on clean energy.